Strong Successful career minded women may seem like they have it all but sometimes they feel like they are not finding the partner they need in their life. Don’t let this frustrate you and leave you thinking there is not a partner out there for you because there is .
There are many Powerful woman out there looking for love and they just don’t seem to be attracting the right person. Remember when looking for a partner you don’t have to give up your career, strength or success in the process. In a Healthy relationship both partners can equally be strong and not have to give up their dreams, its a matter of finding a person who compliments your strength power and your driven nature to be a successful person.
Allow yourself to give as well as receive in the relationship this is a great balance, try to let go of that notion that allowing yourself to receive makes you weak. Men show their love by giving and helping a woman, its just their nature, so if you don’t allow a man to help you he may feel you don’t need him and the Relationship could just fizzle out.
If a Man wants to take care of you and be responsible for you, this doesn’t mean you don’t have to be responsible for yourself it only means he’s 100% there for you and he loves you, It may be hard to let go while your thinking that this may take your independence away a good way of thinking about this is to realize partnership is give and take.
Having a successful relationship with the right partner who gives you an amazing amount of support making it so you can become an even more powerful and capable person while this empowers you to be able to give more to others. Don’t base your power on what you can do or give instead of who I am.Be the person you want to attract, find a way to create partnerships.
Be all you can be without being threatening or overpowering don’t base your power on what you can do or give, instead show people who you really are this is an interesting quality that shows you as a person and not necessarily your success or degree. Think about ways to practice being a partner
- Volunteer for events or organizations so that you can be working with other people
- Start to carpool
- share rooms on vacations with friends
- Take a Dance class
- Join your favorite sport
- Go to or create your own social gatherings
- Create opportunities to trade services with other professionals
- Do outdoor activities with friends
- Join a group that you share common interests in
- Go to a public performance
Let go attracting love is not something you can control and fully make yourself visible as who you are. You are worthy, just as yourself let your brilliance and intelligence shine, not trying to prove who you are and trust you that you are enough.