Let’s sum it up or at least try to explain romantic relationships. Why are some relationships so easy and some so difficult? Having seen my share of relationships in my…
Here we are again another year marking an anniversary of something important, whatever occasion this may be your celebrating we all remember one date on the calendar every year, that…
The highway is full of vehicles of all shapes sizes and colors. We see motorcycles, vans, trucks, semi’s, busses, you name it, the passengers themselves and how some of us…
Disrespect comes in many forms you may be faced with a partner who disrespects you or vice versa When this happens your torn apart at the seams and it seems…
When choosing a partner, make sure they’re the one that makes you laugh until you cry. When you’re crying your eyes out over something or someone, they will make you…
Procrastination, don’t we all do this at one point or another? I’m sure we have all heard the saying over and over “we only have one life live it” this…
Being able to say Good morning to your spouse, family, neighbors, and friends is one of the most important things you can do first thing in the morning especially if…
The Bible says to not to just pray but pray with strength and with all your heart and soul believe that your prayers will be answered without a shadow of…
Life is full of twist’s and turns, you never know what’s going to happen next, you could wake up one day and an event or experience can change your life…
Ever since I can remember I always saw the beauty in everything no matter what, this could be a person who others may not find attractive, instead I chose to look…
After trying to get her very busy mothers attention, the little girl finally got a chance to give her mother the gift she had her. This gift, something that may…
Some people are late bloomers, there is never a too late for anything, no matter your age, or what stage in life you’re currently at. it may come to you…
In my life time, I’ve said many Goodbyes, I was born a military brat the term I’m not fond of but heard it throughout my childhood. We moved every few…
Have you ever consider yourself mean? unless a person is downright cruel, ruthless or they are a psychopath-sociopath without a conscience (no one’s labeling anyone here) at one point or…
In my lifetime I was taught at a very early age to “Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you” Dad wasn’t much about preaching religion rather…
Do you ever feel you have to conform to everyone’s wishes or the likeliness of who they think you should be by consisting of a character they want you to…
I’ve been a Domestic Abuse Counselor for over 20 years, one of the most difficult cases I deal with are the ones where the woman come to me saying they’re…
To all appearances, the giver is an empathetic and caring person, actually, he or she is a people-pleaser and a co-dependent. The compulsive giver is trapped of his own talkfest…
Here you will find the difference between healthy relationships vs abusive relationships. some things to look for in a healthy relationship. Emotional security in a relationship is Being appreciated Being…
We don’t hear a lot about men being in abusive relationships. Certain studies have shown that more than 40% of men are indeed in abusive relationships but most are afraid to…
Have you ever looked at your relationship? marriage? life? as if you can’t take one more day? well, I’m here to give you some things to look at when it…
Random thoughts about love Love is life, ideally, it is passed down through generations. You must absorb enough love before you can give it to others. Once you’ve absorbed enough…
As we all know divorce is one of the most difficult things couples can face. When children are involved it can make this process even more difficult, especially when the parents start…
There is scientific proof that the brains of men and women are quite different. Four distinct parts of each brain studied included, the processing center, chemistry, structure, and activity. The…
You did the unspeakable and broke your partner’s trust and in the process, their heart is shattered. No matter what you did, it’s not going to be easy for your…
Memorial Day, is a Federal Holiday celebrated on the last Monday of May and its meaning is to remember the People both men and woman who lost their lives in…
Seems we hear a lot about soul mates these days. Some may ask the question, “What is a soul mate?” Seems every time we turn around we’re hearing a person…
Many of us have already heard about healthy and unhealthy relationships but defining what is healthy and what is not healthy can be tricky sometimes. There are so many twists,…
Love, at first sight, is the basis for many real life love stories, movies, novels and even has been scientifically proven. A number of studies have been done and it’s…
Romantic love is one of the strongest emotions we will ever have in our lifetime if you have ever experienced this kind of love it can bring you the most…
Through the years I have run into many elderly married couples, I can’t help but ask them questions such as to how they managed a successful marriage for so many…
Let’s explain what Intuition is and how to recognize this gift we are all born with, although recognizing that some of us are more highly in tune with this gift, therefore, a…
Signs your loved ones are near you may come in many different forms. For instance, say you just lost your mother and you’re not dealing with her passing very well.…
Arguing is common during relationships if couples are not having some sort of disagreement or argument believe it or not there is something wrong in the relationship. Either one or…
We can all appreciate the material things in life such as Jewelry, fancy cars, brand name clothing etc, the best money can buy. These things are fun and glamorous, some items…
We are heading into Summer, the sun is shining the temperatures are rising, let the summer fun and activities begin, it’s all there for the taking. There are endless things…
Have you ever asked yourself about what all this talk is about centering yourself is and what it would consist of? Some people center themselves by going to a certain…
In my lifetime I have seen countless comedians come and go, some I found to be foul and vulgar rather than funny and some were classic comedians that made me…
Many people become members of an extended/blended family whether it’s a death or a divorce that causes a loss of one’s spouse or partner that creates an opportunity for Grandmother’s,…
We all have our own ways of perceiving love. You could be giving all the love that you have to your partner, but because your delivery method does not match…
I took a survey of what kinds of sayings and phrases that people disliked the most and they came up with some pretty interesting things to say here we go.…
There are countless songs written about many different situations in life. Quite possibly you’ve had the unfortunate experience to have lost a loved one, either through their passing, or the…
Is guilt running or ruining your life? It could be and you may not even realize it. Guilt is a normal healthy human emotion that we will all experience at some…
One day while praying for myself , I quickly said too myself how selfish you are for only Praying for yourself when there is so much Pain and Sorrow all around…
For everything that has ever happened to you in this lifetime to bring you to the point of where you are today, Believe it is happening and happened for a…
The sun can be your worst enemy or your best friend but let’s not concentrate on the bad aspects of the sun but rather the health benefits it has on us.…
The importance of friendship has a lot more value than one might think, for instance, things in life come and go but your friends are there for you through thick…
Dating can be so much fun, whether you have met the person of your dreams or just casually dating, either way, this usually involves lots of time spent going out…
Many times I have heard this from various people in my life ask the question, “Where was God when I was hurting?” Where was God when a tragedy happened to…
I have done some research and found some of the Top cheesiest pick-up lines ever. Some will make you roll your eyes in wonder and some may make you laugh,…
Another bright sunny day at Point Cabrillo lighthouse stationed in Caspar California. as I’m opening my eyes for the first time. I leap out of bed as if I were…
When choosing a partner, keep some of these things in mind. SHARE THE TEARS Make sure they’re the one that makes you laugh until you cry. When you’re crying your…
Don’t we all at times need some cheering up? Well if you never find yourself needing to be cheered up, then good for you. You may already be someone who…
If you are after 40, relationship advice can come as a real breath of fresh air to you or your relationship. It’s very easy to get stuck into routines and…
Have you noticed that some girls just can’t help self destructing their relationships? Even when they have a great guy who treats them well, they start committing relationship mistakes that…
1. Learning how to communicate with your partner is one of the most important things you will have in your Relationship 2. Let him know how important he is to…
HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PERSONAL LIFE AND RELATIONSHIP When you are trying to improve your relationship, this can be hard to do if you are not strong enough to…
There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. All couples go through rough times and experience difficulties in maintaining a healthy relationship. Try to take time to keep the…
It’s a very common thing to hear of people falling in love with a married man or woman. Ever been married and find yourself in love with another person? Most of…
Samantha was engaged and to be married the wedding was less than a month away. She was sitting at her Fiances computer, looking to find addresses to send out Thank…
I have talked with many woman who are not sure what brought their relationship to the point they are needing therapy, some hadn’t even argued with their husbands or partner,…
Betrayal is a broken agreement of trust; one of the worst things in your relationship you can possibly endure. Maybe your partner has just confessed to an affair, or another…
Its time and your thinking to yourself your ready to find your lifetime partner in the big sea of life. You’re thinking, “Where do I start?” The first thing you…
The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. Arguments don’t occur if two people don’t care about each other. Surprisingly, the first year of your relationship, it’s normal to…
Here it comes again, you find yourself with another failed attempt at love, whether it be a Divorce, or another failed relationship, your alone once again. So you go through…
Strong Successful career minded women may seem like they have it all but sometimes they feel like they are not finding the partner they need in their life. Don’t let…
Falling in love with yourself may seem arrogant, but it’s more important than you might think. Turn your love light on to attract the right person to fall in love…
Codependency is an emotional dependency on a relationship that is not healthy and is very dysfunctional. This condition can destroy a person’s relationship’s health and effect their jobs and careers.…
You’ve been asked out on a date and have plans for Saturday night! You keep in touch throughout the week, excitement builds and you are both planning where you will…
With emotional abuse you may start to notice hurtful little things being said in the beginning of your relationship and you may try to brush it off at first as…
Friends are a gift of God. If you have good friends, you should assume that God has showered you with His unlimited grace. What does a good friend mean? What…
I hope you enjoy my book, “Love Letters from the Lighthouse” Love letters is a work in progress spanning the length of my life. My inspiration for this book is…
Top 10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail Have you ever wondered why your relationships fail? Let’s take a look at this scenario: It looks like you’ve finally met the true love…
Before you can determine whether you’re addicted to love or not, it can be helpful to understand how the chemistry of love works, and as you may have guessed it…
In today’s modern world of dating its easier than ever to meet someone and find a date, with just a touch of your fingertips, you can find another person eager…
Most people have never learned how to communicate. Without this skill, a person is handicapped in an intimate relationship. Without being able to express themselves and listen to another, partners…
Oh, the forever search for that one true everlasting infinite love of your life! Some may describe this as searching for their soul mate, but no matter how we want…
So many times, I have seen people stray in relationships. Let’s talk about some of these reasons. I am not giving anyone permission to have an affair or to stray,…
On a Saturday afternoon, I went to my Catholic Church in Newport Oregon, Being raised in a Strict Catholic family I said to myself, Sherry you haven’t gone to confession in…