Dating can be so much fun, whether you have met the person of your dreams or just casually dating, either way, this usually involves lots of time spent going out to restaurants, the occasional ice cream shop and/or going to the movies, which usually involves tons of buttered popcorn, soda, and candy.
Your new partner may invite you over to fix your favorite foods and show off their culinary skills. Then there are those nights you snuggle up at home and pick out the latest NetFlix movie, having lots of your favorite treats at your fingertips that both you love sharing together.
Did you know there is actually a name for the weight gained in those first few months of dating its called “relationship weight.” It’s bo surprise that someone coined this phrase because a person is likely to gain as much as 20 pounds during the first few months of dating?
It’s all fun and good, but then after a few months, its time to get back into shape. If you have found this has happened to you it’s not the end of the world. You can simply discuss this with your new partner to discover some activities that both of you can share together and enjoy a healthy experience at the same time.
Healthy activities to do with your mate.
- Pick a spot you both would like to visit and walk to the destination point
- Take a day trip where both of you can go mountain biking
- Walking on the beach while enjoying the sunset
- Rafting
- Take a walk in the mall, do some window shopping, you’d be surprised when you look at your pedometer how many miles you put in just in a couple of hours.
- Visit the Zoo
- Shop at the farmers market and while your there pick out some great fresh vegetables together
- Go out dancing
- Go on a scavenger hunt
- Look for free festivities have fun while being active at the same time
- Pack a healthy lunch and walk to a nice picnic area, take your swimming suits in case there is a place to swim.
- Go on a day trip and play tourist
- Plant a small garden together
- This may sound silly but go on a penny hike
- Bowling
- Grab a frisbee and head to the park
- Have a competition who can last the longest by jump roping
Healthy cooking and eating tips you and your mate will love and both benefit from
- Eat more nuts and fish
- Spinach and carrots
- Add flaxseed to some of your meals
- Beans and Lentils for protein
- Brussel sprouts
- Broccoli
- Pick a day that one of you both cook a healthy favorite meal for your partner
- Cook together
Whatever activity you choose to do have fun doing it together while you both get into shape
Practicing healthy eating habits and being in good shape can be very beneficial to you and your partner’s lifelong health so support your partner in living a healthy lifestyle. After all, this person may be in your forever, so you both want to have a great quality of life together.
Get into shape and have fun at the same time,
Good luck and Love!