I took a survey of what kinds of sayings and phrases that people disliked the most and they came up with some pretty interesting things to say here we go.
- Dan Overman-Anything is possible; it’s just that an infinite number of things are infinitely improbable.
- Joe Decius- i hate it wen people say anythings possible..like bring back my dead friends then!,,smh!
- Don A Sicard- I’ll be right with you.
- Edward J Zander- moist
- Don Given- Second one free just pay postage and handlin
- Brian Flood- Kudos
- Jim Lovejoy- The russians done it
- Cyndy McPhee- Yuck…bae
- Rick Vornbrock- you can make a difference
- Vince Meehan Execeed your expectations
- Rick Vornbrock- “that’s the 64,000 dollar question”
- Vince Meehan –If it saves just one life it was worth it
- Rick Vornbrock “it’s not the matter of if, it’s the matter of when”
- Rick Vornbrock Manboobs
- Rick Vornbrock awesome
- Jim Lovejoy doo wop
- Dean Johnson Yes! When people say I can’t without trying their best.
- Roger Ascher sperm donor
- Lynne Kramer I hate when people say “whatever”
Whatever means F you
Lol - Jim Lovejoy calling old rock graffiti
- Don A Sicard Let the fighting begin…
- Bobby Gladd “We have a completely full flight today.”
- Vince Meehan Thats what SHE said! huh huh huh
- Steven Wooten Pretty much
- Brian Joseph Vinezeano You go girl and I got this.
- Dan Overman –It’s “what not”, and used appropriately and sparingly, it’s a supremely elegant folksy expression.
- Bibi Adell And whatnot …
- Vince Meehan My Bad
- Ava Theriot K for okay and bae !!
- Hilen Humphrey Yea but
- Paul Marallo Jr. “if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best”……….Ho, yousa pain in the ass at best.
- Tom Haulter Jussayun
- Roger Ascher undocumented immagrants
- Roger Ascher Long story short
- Roger Ascher I’m offended.
- Darin Robinson Meal
- Darin Robinson Crack me up
- Darin Robinson On some real shit
- Darin Robinson Not knowing the difference between weather and whether, thinking there’s only one for both meanings
- Darin Robinson My guitarist says that at least 30 times a conversation
- Elina Fitts In a nutshell
- Terry Loftus Anything w/o doable
- Mötley Mattila “K”… What the frick…
- Laurrie Goetz You know what I mean?
- Laurrie Goetz Here’s the key…?????
- Andrea Forbing-Maglione “It’s better than the alternative.”
- Jerry Manasco Literally the worst
- Andrea Forbing-Maglione Or… “isn’t that ironic?” No, it’s NOT!
- Taylor Demetroff When people use “literally” wrong
- Heather Toll Ditto
- Rick Vornbrock make America Great Britain again
- Brandy Demetroff “make America great again”
John Bujak At the end of the day
- Andrea Forbing-Maglione Good point!! Crap!!
- Brandy Demetroff When dad says “it be ready”
- John Fiesta Wuteva
- Dave Clark Yolo
- Jim Lovejoy old school
Well as you can see I’ve collected quite a few interesting comments from people “it is what it is” seems to be the most disliked phrase out of them all. I have heard it said a lot lately and as sayings come and go this one seems to be the most popular lately. With that being said I’m going to “Call it a night” “Don’t let the bed bugs bite” “Sweet Dreams”