1. Learning how to communicate with your partner is one of the most important things you will have in your Relationship
2. Let him know how important he is to you daily.
3. There may be times you both disagree but carefully listening and learning your partners feelings and emotions and lovingly understanding them, will be your best result
4. Give him space with his friends let him know you trust him.
5. Let go of the small stuff. We all have annoying habits and preferences that are different from our spouse’s. (Dave Ramsey)
6. Tell him you both Love and Like him, you pretty much always love your partner but liking him is another thing , its important to have both.
7. Try joining in on things he likes not just thing things you like.
8. Protect him daily , remember that little argument you had 3 weeks ago? don’t let all of your Girlfriends know about it, in fact be careful what you tell your friends and family, its your relationship and its your job to protect it , of course all of your girlfriends family and friends are going to agree with you if you and your partner has had a tiff , so just watch who you confide in , once in awhile you may need an opinion but in the long run its best to not get everyone’s opinion because remember everyone has a different one.
9. If you have to confront your partner do it with respect and try to not make your partner defensive or scared to open up and talk
10. Learn to laugh , laughter in a bad situation can help a lot .
11. Try and not make sudden decisions pertaining to a career change or other big changes without including your partner
12. Go out on a date but leave your problems at home, have fun !!
13, For every fault you may have to bring up and discuss with your partner be sure to tell him 2 or 3 things that are very positive about him also.
14. Show interest in what your partner is saying, no matter what it is.
15. Have a close relative near by that is willing to set with your children? go for a walk with your partner or have a special dinner even if its at home or just something fun , just the two of you .
16. Try and have things ready when he comes through the door , remember you both have had a long day and a cozy setting to have a nice talk when he gets home and spend some quality time together.
17. Give him time to unwind when getting home from work.
18. Do not allow family members to treat him disrespectfully
19. Compliment your man , you may think he should be the one complimenting you but a man needs an honest compliment once in awhile too.
21. Take time to make sure you are always talking about the future and your goals
22. Be affectionate
23. Forgive him often and talk it out if he offends you
24. Always let him know your there for him , support him in every way
25. Respect his privacy
26. Admit your mistakes; don’t be afraid to be humble. Peel away your pride.
27. Defend him and do not let anyone disrespect him
28. Respect his desire to do well and support him.
29. Give him a massage
30. If you do not have a lot of time , schedule time , it will be worth it
31. Go on Romantic outings
32. Send a text letting him know you love him
33. Surprise him with a gift , it doesn’t have to be much just something that puts a smile on his face
34. He works hard for you and the family let him know how important you think he is
35. Make sure he knows your proud
36. When talking don’t nag or fight with him, that will cause a negative effect
37. Its important to let your husband be the man of the house , keeping in mind your his partner as well as his equal too
38. Let your Husband always feel wanted in the bedroom when he reaches for you with sexual advances , feelings of rejection can occur and make intimacy come to a halt, this is never good. there may be times when your partner is not feeling well , in those cases both partner should discuss it and come to a comfortable understanding as to not offend one another .
39. Don’t expect your husband or partner to take in to many tasks around the house, this could be an overwhelming responsibility and expectation.
40. Take in all the good things he does for you and the family
42. It never hurts to compliment your partner when your out in public
43. Keep conversations brief if he’s tired , don’t pile on to much stuff for him if he’s stressed already
44. Pick one thing he does that you appreciate about him and tell him what it is.
45. Make sure you never belittle him in front of your Children if Children are involved
46.When communication make eye contact , let him know your interested
47. If Prayer is in your daily life , say your prayers together before going to sleep or when you wake up, its a good bonding experience for both you and your family if you have one.
48. Try and make yourself available if he needs your help
49. Sometimes men just don’t feel like talking and remember that’s ok , maybe he just might want you to be near him and be present
50. if your partner is in a bad mood ask what you can do to make it better if not , give him space , let him know your there for him and you will take when he’s ready
52. Encourage and support him if he’s contemplating a big change that effects the family
53. Sometimes you just have to pretend there is a (Handle with care) stamped on his forehead , many times men are treated as if they don’t have feelings , they do and understand that .
54. Have a habit that annoy him? try and give it up and he may do the same for you, lets hope if not smack him up
55. Be kind to his family and respect them and be supportive of his families relationship also.
56. Try and not compare his family with yours in a negative way
57. Thank him for the things he does around the house
58. Wear his favorite Perfume
59. Make sure you are both in agreement with future plans so there is no confusion
60. Know what he likes and do some of those things for him once in awhile
61. Always respect him ,never belittle him or insult his intelligence
62. Initiate sex once in awhile let him know he is also desirable
63. Let him enjoy his day off from work
64. Try and not get into a rut and just stay in all of the time, its easy to just get out and do something fun you both enjoy, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
65. Discover his sexual needs.
66. Surprise him with a 15 second kiss when he gets home from work.
67. Flirt with him , even if your at a party together and your across the room (wink and smile at him)
68. Give him the benefit of the doubt from time to time
69. Try and not keep track of wrong doings
70. Don’t be kinder to strangers than you would your own partner
71. if things go wrong focus on how we can fix it and not have it happen again
72. Never say “I told you so” ouch
73. Discuss spending issues as to not have any surprises , money problems in a relationship can be the number one reason for divorces
74. Never stop being romantic
75. Hold his hand when in public
76. Minimize the bad things praise the good things in him
77. Tell him you love him a little more often
78. Put little love notes where he can find them.
79. If you don’t like Football and he does? make some snacks and have a party , even if you don’t really like the game , it will make him feel connected to you.
80. Tell him if something is bothering you , don’t expect him to be a mind reader
81. Give him time with his family if he needs it .
82. Make sure you connect emotionally and don’t get caught up in daily life so much that you lose each other “Keep connected”
83. Keep yourself up and your appearance (he’ll notice) and appreciate it
84. allow him to express himself clearly without judgement
85. Choose your words carefully as to not come off as mean cruel or harsh.
86. Kiss him softly let him know you love him
87. Get to know him , travel to where he was raised as a child if that is possible
88. Never give the silent treatment this can cause irreparable damage and it is the quickest way to damage a relationship on so many levels
89. If you are hurt or angry let your partner know lovingly that you need a few minutes to collect your thoughts and when you do you will be able to come back with a more calm collected head and handle the situation much better than just going off and saying things you dont mean to say , remembering that the old saying is “you can’t take it back once its said”
90. When he is sick “Try make him some chicken noodle soup, even if it doesn’t help he will be grateful anyway that you tried
91. When going out try and look your best
92. Be his biggest cheerleader
93. Try and not bring up an ex to much
94. Try and not make him jealous , let him know your his number one
95. Congratulate him on his successes , throw a party , maybe just the two of you
97. Make up a fun game that just the two of you can share.
98. Write a personal coupon to him , let him know he can redeem it anytime
99. Get a favorite couple spot that only you and he know , relive those happy times and visit it often
100. Remember he is unique and special , let him know this and that you appreciate him for being him and thats who you fell in love with .


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